
Posts Tagged ‘Apache’

Setup- Apache and Jenkins (Update)

February 24, 2011 Leave a comment

I have just made some minor changes on my article on how to get Apache and Jenkins to work nicely together.  I found a problem where the masking of the port 8080 didn’t happen properly, so I played around a bit and got it to work quite well now.  So, if you’re interested, you can have a look at the “Setup – Apache and Jenkins” page.

Setup – Requirements

February 23, 2011 Leave a comment

After writing some articles on this site and having to copy and paste the same text from some of my other articles over and over and also getting a bit frustrated in having to look up which requirements need to be installed where I decided to dedicate and article to this topic.  You can find the article under the “Environments” menu and I called it “Setup – Requirements“.  If you want to run Ruby or NetBeans or Apache or something else, then you should run through this list of things first.  I would suggest that you start at the top.  Why you need to install most of these packages, I’m not going to go into other than to say that you’ll be saving yourself lots of hours on Google trying to figure out why some Ruby Gem is telling you that it can’t find a package while the package is installed already.  There are some strange dependencies when you want to do the most arbitrary things.  I hope this helps someone out there and that it gives you a bit of a head start when installing your Development, Build or Production environments.

In the coming days I’ll be changing my articles to all point to this to ensure that it’s a but easier to get through an article without having to do some research or find that article that outlines the steps in a reproducible way.  Enjoy!! 🙂

Setup – Apache and Jenkins

February 22, 2011 Leave a comment

So, there is now something called Jenkins in the world of Open Source Build Servers and it seems like it’s been around for a few months.  Why is this remarkable?  Well…  Simply because Jenkins = Hudson.  I was installing another server with Hudson today following the instructions in my article “Setup – Apache and Hudson” and only when I completed the install did I realise that Hudson is now actually called Jenkins.  So, has anything changed?  Nope, not really.  Why did they decide to make this bold move?  I can’t say, other than that there is some speculation that the guys over at Oracle wanted to start charging license fees for the use of Hudson and that the previously known Hudson guys then decided to for Hudson, rename it to Jenkins and to continue with the project in the old Open Source manner.  Well, if this is true, then I am glad, because since I started using Hudson/Jenkins I haven’t looked back or had the urge to explore some of the other platforms out there.  It simply works 🙂

To top it off, I obviously opted to uninstall Hudson and to install Jenkins and once that was done I thought that it might be a good idea to add/update another article to show you how to install the new Jenkins platform.  You can find this article, called “Setup – Apache and Jenkins” here.  I’m sure you’ll enjoy Jenkins as much as you’ve enjoyed Hudson and I’m also sure that we can expect to see this project grow in the coming months as we’ve seen it grow from the beginning.  I wish them all the luck in their bold move and hope they continue to have fun 🙂  I know we will 🙂

Heads up though, I’m in the process of writing an article on how to use Jenkins as your Build Server runnig Continuous Integration for Ruby projects under Ruby Version Manager (RVM).