
Posts Tagged ‘Apache Subversion’

Git-Flow – Updates – Ideas

March 14, 2011 1 comment

As some of you that follow me may have seen, I’ve been quiet in the last week.  This is/was for good reason.  I’ve been a bit busy doing quite a number of things including writing more articles, some of which are more around the grey areas in development like Architecture, Methodologies of Development, Design Practices and so on.  I’ve also been busy trying to get my Code Project articles completed, which I’m hoping to publish very soon.  It’s been a bit strange putting these together and even though I’m going to take a while to publish all of them, they did get me to read a lot about various things and they also got me thinking about things that I’ve always done and re-evaluating those principles that I have and that most of us developers like to talk about.

So, hopefully I’ll get those done and hopefully they will get people talking a bit and I may even have some of you challenge my thoughts on some of the concepts that I’ll put out there, even though there won’t be too many new things.  The idea is to start having the discussions in an open platform where everyone is on the same foot and all the different paths can be explored in an honest manner.  Anyway, I’m not going to go too much into it right now… 🙂  Just know that it will be coming in the next month or so and it should be interesting to hear what some of you say…

In the meanwhile I’ve just finished my article on Git-Flow called “Getting Started – Git-Flow” and I hope you’ll enjoy it.  Git-Flow is a very interesting concept that builds on the powers that Git gives you, even though it can be implemented on just about any and every other Version Control System there is.  So, if you were looking for a good Branching Strategy or a good process to implement for when your company/team is doing development, try it and give me some feedback to say where I can help you adopt it or where my explanations are lacking a bit. 

In the meanwhile, I’m going to continue writing those other articles which will hopefully take me a bit more into the code and a bit less into the environmental things that makes our lives easier by giving business the visibility they need.

Have fun!!!! 🙂

Getting Started -Git

So, you may have heard about a thing called Git and you were wondering more or less what it is and whether you would be able to use it for your own projects.  Of course it’s not something new to those that know about it and for those that have been doing some open-source work.  For the rest of us who come from more of a Microsoft world or even a Java one where we use tools like Team Foundation Server and Subversion, I’m hoping that you’ll find my new article called “Getting Started – Git” a bit more helpful in explaining what this thing called Git is.  Since learning about Git and using Git, I’ve slowly started switching my stuff over to Git and even though I found it to be a bit tough to get use to when starting, I’ve come to realize that the benefits of using it outweighs the benefits of using some other tools. 

As you’ve probably seen on this site, I have quite a few articles pertaining to Environments and the tools you can use to work well on all projects.  Well…  This is another one of those tools.  What you will also be seeing in the coming months is how I start bringing these toolsets into the world I’m use to called Microsoft.  As I’ve mentioned in some of my other articles, I’ve been trying to finish some articles that I’m hoping to publish on Code Project, which of course I’ll also have hosted here.  Most of those articles will be on code written in .Net and what I would like to do is take those articles and their code and also do them in Java and Ruby, which will then hopefully give some of you non-Ruby and Java developers wanting to come into this space a bit of an advantage on how to get into it faster.  I hope you enjoy the article and I also hope that you find some of the stuff in there helpful and useful to get you to understand Git and how to use it.  In a subsequent article I’ll be combining Git and Git-Flow to give you a branching strategy that makes life a whole lot easier.